Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Maiden voyage

On January 20, we set sail for the first time since we lost our mast in August 2007 for an overnight stay at the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay. The wind was blowing pretty hard with gusts to 20 knots. We decided to go out with just the headsail. Miki'oi handled beautifully getting up to 6 knots with just our small headsail. We decided to sail past the sandbar for a quick look around the bay then headed back to the bar. We anchored and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon, although it was a bit chilly. The evening was picturesque with the full moon lighting a fully exposed sandbar. After a filling meal of BBQ burgers we watched Pirates of the Caribbean and ate lots of cheese and drank lots of wine. The next morning was just as gorgeous (but still cold) as we relaxed and ate omelets and drank mimosas. We had a great time; however, it was not without casualty. We lost our swim ladder and the transmission broke when we decided to move to another spot on the bar (never a dull moment). When it was time to head home we had to go with only sail power. We left the sandbar with sailor like grace if I must say so myself and sailed right into our slip at Makani Kai without incident. It was a great long awaited trip.